Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mother's Day

Grant's sister Chelee, His mom, and him

Grant's mom and dad

Booger girl

As you all know Mother's day was last Sunday, and I hope all you moms out there had a wonderful day. I worked my first night shift the night before, so I slept until about 2:00 in the afternoon. Grant and the girls got me a very nice mother's day gift. The gift included a new lighted magnified mirror (I wanted one) a really cool alarm clock sound machine, and a very nice eye mask that I wear when I have to sleep during the day after work. We went to Grant's mom's house for dinner and Grant's sister Chelee and her family were there as well. Chelee has her own photography business and she took the wonderful photos posted above. She wanted to get one of the girls and I since it was mother's day...but I had worked the night shift and looked like a worked the night shift (like a walking zombie), so I asked her if she would bring the camera back next weekend to take some shots! After dinner we drove out to my mom's house to bring her a mother's day card and gift. It was the first time we had seen her since they came back from a trip to Hawaii, and the girls were really excited. I then came home and passed out from exhaustion and had a great night's sleep. All in all it was a great Mother's day. I hope all of the amazing moms I know out there had a great one as well! You all deserve it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

booger girl is my favorite (: