Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snow Bunnies!

The girls were so excited about the snow this morning! Ella thought snow on the ground meant it was Christmas and shortly after she woke up she ran downstairs and then came up to report that "Santa didn't leave any presents for me, Hailey, Mommy or Daddy!" She was so upset. We had to explain to her that it wasn't Christmas yet. "But it snowed" she said. The Christmas anticipation is really starting to get to her!
Grant bundled them up and took them out to play and use the sled. Their little friend Harrison from next door joined them. They had a really good time until the end when Hailey lost her glove and her hand got cold and she screamed for like 30 minutes like she thought her hand was going to fall off. Not that she is a bit of a drama queen or anything!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I love Hailey's coat! How cute. I hope it snows again later. We didn't get a chance to take the girls out. Now Kylie can't go outside for a week because of her surgery. After the first week she can go outside but she can't play to hard for another week. So hopefully we get snow later so she can go play in it!