Monday, September 8, 2008

Growing up

My little baby is growing up so fast!! Ella has started preschool two days a week! And it's not a co-op I just drop her off and pick her up. She had a blast on her first day...didn't cry at all (she told me this) and was happy when I picked her up. She said goodbye to all her teachers and off we went. She told me all the things they did and said she had fun. She is also in preschool at the daycare she goes to two days a week. So between the two of them I am sure her little mind is just going to start expanding with knowledge! I love her so much and can't believe how fast she is growing up. I am just trying to cherish each moment because they all go by so fast!
These photos were taken by my lovely and talented sister in law Chelee (you can see her website at She took these for us as first day of school photos. She also did one last year on Ella's first day of school and it is amazing to compare and see how different she looks. I will have to figure out how to scan it and get it in.

1 comment:

Debora said...

Kelly you are sooo right. They grow up so very fast....I love the picture of Ella with Hailey watching it all from behind. She is going to have this growing up thing all down... Then watch out;)