Sunday, March 4, 2007


Just posting an update as to what has been happening in our lives...which is not really much at the moment. We have all been pining to go outside. We know the nice weather is right around the corner, and cannot wait. We even have a wonderful new stroller to take for walks. The girls have been going through a grow spurt as they have both been eating and sleeping a ton (eating more than sleeping). Also, most of their pants are becoming too short. H had her 4 month check up a couple weeks ago and she already weighs in at 17 lbs...I am pretty sure it is all in her cheeks. She also is rolling over in both directions, which as every parent knows is a big accomplishement for a little one. E "peeped" in the potty for the first time last week which lead to a big celebration. She in really no where close to being trained, but enjoys sitting on the potty. After she saw her best friend T go on the potty, she had to do it herself. G has been enjoying his new job and has been able to spend a lot more time at home. I have been working about one shift a week, which is just enough to keep my feet wet. I hope all is well with everyone else!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOW! H is getting so big so fast. I know I just saw her a while ago but there is a big difference!